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Diamond is carbon in its most concentrated form. Except for trace impurities like boron and nitrogen, diamond is composed solely of carbon, the chemical element that is fundamental to all life.

atom carbon.png
  • Atomic Number: 6

  • Atomic Weight: 12.011

  • Outermost Electron: 4

But the diamond is distinctly different from its close cousins the common mineral graphite and lonsdaleite, both of which are also composed of carbon. why is diamond the hardest surface known while graphite is exceedingly soft? Why is diamond transparent while graphite is opaque and metallic black? What is it that makes diamond so unique?

The key to these question lie in diamond's particular arrangement of carbon atoms or its crystal structure.

Crystal Structure

A neutral carbon atom has 6 protons and 6 electrons surrounding its nucleus. Four of the electrons in a carbon atom are valence electrons, which are electrons that are available to form bonds with other atoms. In graphite, each carbon atom bonds only 3 of its 4 valence electrons with neighboring carbons. The resulting structure of these bonds is a flat sheet of connected carbon atoms. Though individually strong, these layers are only weakly connected to one another, and the ease with which they are separated is what makes graphite so slippery.

In diamond, however, every carbon shares all 4 of its available electrons with adjacent carbon atoms, forming a tetrahedral unit. This shared electron-pair bonding forms the strongest known chemical linkage, the covalent bond, which is responsible for many of diamond's superlative properties. The repeating structural unit of diamond consists of 8 atoms which are fundamentally arranged in a cube.

The diamond structure shows how each atom(red ball) is connected to 4 other carbon atoms by strong chemical bonds, creating diamond's rigid crystal structure.


Crystal Habits

Using this cubic form and its highly symmetrical arrangement of atoms, diamond crystals can develop in a variety of different shapes known as "crystal habits." The octahedron or eight-sided shape that we associate with diamonds is its most common crystal habit. But diamond crystals can also form cubes, dodecahedra, and even combinations of these shapes. All of these shapes are manifestations of the cubic crystal system to which the mineral diamond belongs. Two exceptions are the flat form called a macle, which is actually a composite crystal, and etched crystals, which have rounded surfaces and, sometimes, elongated shapes.

diamond crystal habits.png





Macle twin

Diamond Crystal

​​Real diamond crystals don't have completely smooth faces. Trigons are triangular growths that reflect subtle changes in height on a diamond's face. The trigons shown here are slight indentations that were most likely produced by a natural etching of the crystal. However, raised trigons, which point in the same direction as the crystal face, may also occur from etching, dissolution, or as part of the natural growth of the crystal.


Trigon Photo by ChrisMago


​Diamond is renowned for its hardness. Hardness is the measure of a substance's resistance to being scratched, and only a diamond can scratch another diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance known.

The Mohs scale--a hardness scale developed in 1822 by Austrian Friedreich Mohs as a criterion for mineral identification -- can help us appreciate the hardness of diamond. The scale ranks 10 minerals; harder minerals, with a higher number, can scratch those with a lower number.

 When the mineral hardness numbers from the Mohs scale are plotted against those on the more quantitative  Knoop scale (based on the force needed to make indentations using a diamond), we can see how it doesn't adequately express the extreme hardness of diamond. The Mohs scale is relatively stable until it reaches the eighth mineral topaz, but it jumps exponentially from corundum (colorless sapphire) to diamond. It is in fact difficult to measure the hardness of diamond, because diamond must be used to measure its own hardness.


Density is a ratio of a substance's mass to its volume. For instance, density explains why a certain amount of lead feels heavier than an equal volume of salt. Diamond is amazingly dense given the low atomic weight of carbon. At 3.51 grams per cubic centimeter, diamond is much more dense than graphite, which weighs in at only 2.20 grams per cubic centimeter. This comparison offers an important clue to diamond's origin: the fact that diamond's carbon atoms are "squeezed" together tighter than in graphite, which forms near Earth's surface, implies that diamond is formed under high pressure conditions. This concept was  corroborated by the experimental synthesis of diamond at high pressure and temperature illustrated on the graph below.

Eiffel & 5 inch plate.png
the condition of pressure temperature to

The conditions of

Diamond Formation


and Phosphorescence


Fluorescence in Rough and Polished Diamond Photo by ChrisMago 



Diamonds are called "ice" with good reason. Objects feel cold not only because they are at a

lower temperature than our bodies, but also because they can extract or conduct the heat away from us. When you touch a diamond to your lips, it feels ice-cold because it robs your lips of their heat. The capacity of diamond to conduct heat distinguishes it readily from other gems and exceeds that of copper, an excellent thermal conductor, by about 4 times at room temperature. This exceptional property of diamond is increasingly being used for extracting heat from electronic devices to make them smaller and more powerful.

Metals usually conduct heat much better than transparent substances, because they have loose electrons that act as packets for carrying heat in much the same way they move electricity.

Nonmetals conduct heat solely by atomic vibrations, a less efficient mechanism than moving electrons. In diamond, however, vibrational energy travels through the crystal along the strong internal chemical bonds. Thus, diamond's superlative strength provides excellent thermal conduction as well.

This simplified diagram shows the conditions of pressure and temperature where diamond and graphite will be the stable forms of carbon. The points show the conditions at which diamonds were first grown by the companies ASEA and General Electric in the early 1950s. Temperatures are in Kelvin--subtract 273 to convert to degrees Celsius.

This magnitude of pressure is difficult to comprehend. For example, the pressure of 55,000 atmospheres necessary to make a diamond at 1400 degrees C (orange hot) would require: the Eiffel Tower (7000 metric tons) resting on a 5 inch plate.

An interesting property of some diamonds is that they can glow in the dark. When illuminated by ultraviolet light, certain diamonds can absorb the high-energy radiation and re-emit it as visible light. These diamonds are called fluorescent. Some can even continue glowing after the ultraviolet source is turned off. These diamonds are phosphorescent.

All diamonds do not fluoresce, only about 30% of diamonds exhibit some degree of fluorescence. Most diamond grading laboratories consider diamond fluorescence an identifying characteristic but it is not a grading factor 4Cs. Just report and describe a diamond's fluorescence by its intensity as like 'None, Faint, Medium,  Strong and Very Strong. Some experts of diamond think blue fluorescence enhances a diamond's color, especially diamond whit I to  M color grades. This blue fluorescence can make a faint yellowish diamond with a very strong to medium bluish fluorescence may have a slightly higher color grade than similar diamonds that do not fluoresce.

What is diamond ?

What is Diamond

Where do diamonds come from?

Formation of the Earth

Experiments and the high density of diamonds tell us that they crystallize at very high pressures. In nature, this means that diamonds are created by geologic processes at great depth within the Earth, generally more than 150 kilometers down, in a region beneath the crust known as the mantle. This diagram shows the interior structure of the Earth. The three concentric layers -- the core, mantle, and crust -- formed within a few hundred million years of Earth's coalescence 4.5 billion years ago. The core is primarily an iron-nickel alloy and makes up a large fraction of the mass of Earth. The vast mantle is sandwiched between the core and the thin crust and is composed predominantly of magnesium and iron silicate minerals. Our planet's crust is a thin, rocky skin. Diamonds can form in most of Earth's interior but not near its surface, where graphite is the stable form of carbon. Indeed, diamonds only survive at the Earth's surface because great heat is required to break down the diamond structure.


The interior structure of the Earth

How do Diamonds move to the Earth's surface?

Diamonds ascend to the Earth's surface in rare molten rock, or magma, that originates at great depths. Carrying diamonds and other samples from the Earth's mantle, this magma rises and erupts in small but violent volcanoes. Just beneath such volcanoes is a carrot-shaped "pipe" filled with volcanic rock, mantle fragments, and some embedded diamonds. The rock is called kimberlite after the city of Kimberley, South Africa, where the pipes were first discovered in the 1870s. Another rock that provides diamonds is lamproite.

The Big Hole website 


The volcano that carries diamonds to the surface emanates from deep cracks and fissures called dikes. It develops its carrot shape near the surface when gases separate from the magma, perhaps accompanied by the boiling of groundwater, and a violent supersonic eruption follows. The volcanic cone formed above the kimberlite pipe is very small in comparison with volcanoes like Mount St. Helens, but the magma originates at depths at least 3 times as great. These deep roots enable kimberlite to tap the source of diamonds. Magmas are the elevators that bring diamonds to Earth's surface.


The rough diamond in the kimberlite rock  Photo by ChrisMago

Diamonds are found on cratons

The locations of diamond deposits are determined by the geologic fact that diamonds are found primarily in two rare types of rocks - kimberlite and lamproite. These rocks occur as "pipes" (cone structures pushed to the surface by volcanic activity) only in cratons, those portions of the Earth's crust that have been stable for long periods of time. Diamond-bearing kimberlites of economic significance are found in archons, which are those portions of cratons that are older than 2.5 billion years. Protons, which are those portions of cratons that are 1.6 - 2.5 billion years old, are less likely to have diamond-bearing pipes, and when they do, the pipes are likely to be lamproites, as at the Argyle mine in Australia. Tectons, which are those portions of cratons between 800 million and 1.6 billion years old, are unlikely to contain either kimberlites or lamproites.

World distribution of cratons

Where do diamonds come from

4 Cs

  • Carat weight

  • Color

  • Clarity

  • Cut

Carat Weight

The weight of a diamond is the Carat: 1 carat is equal to 0.20 grams. One carat can be divided into 100 points. A 0.75 carat diamond is equal to a diamond of 75 points and is equal to a diamond 3/4 carat. The industry uses various sorts of balances to measure the weight of a diamond. The carat is a measure that also applies for the other precious stones and gemstones. The carat of precious stones has nothing to do with the karats of golden alloys. A diamond which would weigh 0.9990 announces 1.00 carat and 0.9989 announces 0.99 carat.


Photo by OsvaldoGago


Photo by Roger Culos

Carob Tree(Ceratonia Siliqua)

The word carat is often mistaken with size, yet the carat is actually measured in weight. Nonetheless, the diamond's diameter also increases proportionally with the carat weight. The word carat derives from the Greek word “keration” meaning fruit of the carob. The Carob tree is an evergreen tree, with an edible pod containing seeds, which is native to the Mediterranean region. Carob seeds, surprisingly have quite a uniform weight of 0,20 grams, and therefore old civilizations used these seeds as a reference weight for precious gemstones. 


A chemically pure and structurally perfect diamond is fully transparent with no hue. However, almost natural diamonds are not perfect. The color of a diamond may be affected by chemical impurities and structural defects in the crystal lattice. Depending on the hue and intensity of a diamond's coloration, a diamond's color can either detract from or enhance its value. Diamonds are valued by closely they approach colorlessness. For example, the diamonds are discounted in price when the more yellow hue is detected, while intense yellow, pink, blue, red and  etc can be dramatically more valuable. The red diamonds of all colored diamonds are the rarest.

The majority of mined diamonds fall between white and yellowish or brownish; which is known as the normal color range. Diamonds of more intense color(usually yellow but in some cases red, green, or blue are termed fancy color diamonds.


Diamond Color Grading


Natural diamonds are the result of carbon exposed to extremely high temperatures and pressure deep in the earth as the upper mantle. This process can result in a variety of internal characteristics called 'inclusions' and external characteristics called 'blemishes'. When a diamond is graded according to its clarity, a gemologist will inspect the diamond for inclusions and blemishes.


All grades reflect the appearance to an experienced grader when viewed from above at 10x magni-fication. Evaluating diamond clarity involves determining the size, number, position, nature and color(or relief) of these characteristics, as well as how these affect the overall appearance of the stone. 


Diamond Clarity Grading


  • Bearded girdle (BG)

  • Bruise (Br)

  • Cavities (Cv)

  • Chip (Ch)

  • Clouds (Cld)

  • Feathers (Ftr)

  • Grain center (GrCnt)

  • Included crystals or minerals (Xtl)

  • Indented Natural (IndN)

  • Internal graining (IntGr)

  • Knot (K)

  • Laser drill hole (LDH)

  • Needle (Nd)

  • Pinpoint (Pp)

  • Twinning Wisp (W)


  • Abrasion (Abr)

  • Extra Facet (EF)

  • Lizard Skin

  • Natural (N)

  • Nick (Nk)

  • Pit (Pit)

  • Polish Line (PL)

  • Polish Mark (PM)

  • Rough Girdle (RG)

  • Scratch (S)

  • Surface Graining (SGr)


The cut is the only way to add value to diamonds as a gemstone with human technology. Of course,  the development of technology and the production cost have been lowered, so recently, diamonds can be synthesized

to make them... 

The way you cut the diamond determines its dazzling glow. Often diamond cut is confused with 'shape'.

The diamond cut grade is evaluated based on 'cut proportion, surface finish, and facet symmetry'.

diamond anatomy all.png

Diamond Anatomy: A round brilliant diamond has between 57 or 58 facets

In general, diamond cut grade is evaluated by three factors. These three factors are as follows.

  • Proportion

  • Finish - Polish

  • Finish - Symmetry



Proportion on loose diamond


Tolkowsky Ideal Cut Diamond Proportions


GIA Ideal Cut Diamond Proportions

What does Ideal Cut mean?

Due to its perfect proportions, an ideal cut diamond reflects nearly all the light that enters it through the table and crown of the stone.







Finish - Polish

  • The presence of more or less polish lines.

  • The presence of burn mark

  • If the stripes are too numerous, they are mentioned in remarks of the certificate.

Finish - Symmetry

  • The good alignment of the facets

  • The symmetry of the facets.

  • The centering of the culet and the table


Extra facets



Table off-center

Misshapen facet


Not parallel

Not properly pointed




Wavy girdle


Culet off-center

Illustration of  Ceratonia Siliqua


Burn Mark (Photo by ChrisMago)

How to Estimate a Diamond's Value

How to Estimae a diamond's value
Diamond Type

Diamond Type is a method of scientifically classifying diamonds by the level and type of their chemical impurities. Diamonds are divided into two types as like Type I and Type II based on the presence or absence of nitrogen impurities.

Type I

  • Type I: contain nitrogen

    • Type Ia​

      • Type IaA​

      • Type IaB

    • Type Ib

  • Type II: not contain nitrogen

    • Type IIa​

    • Type IIb

Type I diamonds contain nitrogen atoms, either in aggregates(Type Ia) or in isolated atoms(Type Ib). When the nitrogen atoms are separated in pairs, they are designated TypeIaA, When they surround a vacancy, they are Type IaB. More than 95% of gem-quality diamonds are of the Type Ia.

Type IaB.png
Type IaA.png

Type IaA (N:nitrogen)

Type IaB (V:lattice vacancy)

Type Ia : aggregated N impurities

Type Ib: isolated N impurities

Type Ib

Type Ib.png

Type II

Type II diamonds have no measurable nitrogen impurities. Less than 2% of gem-quality diamonds are  'Type IIa'. These Type IIa diamonds are almost or entirely devoid of impurities, and consequently are usually colorless and have the highest thermal conductivity. Occasionally, while Type IIa diamonds are being extruded towards the surface of the Earth, the pressure and tension can cause structural anomalies arising through Plastic deformation during the growth of tetrahedral crystal structure, leading to imperfections. These imperfections can confer a yellow, brown, orange, pink, red or purple color to the gem. Type IIa diamonds can have their structural deformations 'repaired' by a HPHT(High Pressure and High Temperature) process, removing much or all of the diamond's color. Many famous diamonds,  like the Cullinan, Koh-i-Noor, Hope Diamond, and Lesedi La Rona, are Type IIa. Synthetic diamonds grown using the CVD process typically also belong to this Type IIa.

Type IIb.png
Type IIa.png

Type IIa

Type IIb (B is boron)

Diamond Type

© 2023-2025 All rights reserved. Diamond Factory Co. Ltd. / Rue Brazza, Bangui, République Centrafricaine

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